Saturday, July 28, 2007
11:07 PM

I'm feeling exceptionally patriotic today :) So I shall post the lyrics of the song 'Will You'

Will you make this island
Amazing in all ways?
Surprises every corner,
Delightful nights and days.

Will you take this country
And turn it from a place
To a home that greets you
With smiles on every face?

Will you come on this brave journey
Will you help to make it real?
Will you write us grand new stories,
Songs that everyone will feel?

So... will you swin the current?
Will you scale new heights?
Will you make it happe,
Will you let your dreams take flight?
And... will you make a difference?
Will you seize the day?
Will you live each moment,
Will you dare to find new ways?

-repeat v2 and chorus-

Dare to find, dare to find, dare to find new ways!

I'm trying to escape studying 69 pages of geog, I even finished the cip propasal. XD
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
1:21 AM

I got 18 for listening compre :)) I got q3 wrong.

Prawolves go sqweoooo! SQWEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

Must try beefball soup one day. Yes I must.

I'm supposed to be sleeping now. But I don't feel sleepy anymore. Haha. Almost went to track& field meet, but was too tired at that time cause of the stupid survey where we are supposedly guinea pigs that's helping them to get some stupid test results.

Passed by the cosplay place on saturday, Haha. Cherise is jealous. I saw chicken little there! Don't ask me why though. He's not an anime right?
Thursday, July 05, 2007
4:03 AM

My coach once told us that in Southpark shows, they would always kill this guy, Kenny. And then they would say,"OHNO! Kenny died again!" :))

3:38 AM

I'm melting, boiling and evaporating. Soon you'll see water vapour with essence of me floating in front of you. Though it rained. And I condensed a bit before evaporating again.

Me and Kelly and Siying went to eat SUBWAY today. Aren't you jealous? :))

And my oral. After I heard what the tuesday topic was, I realised my topic was actually quite easy. -.- Ahh! I'm gonna fail oral! And I did very badly for amaths :( Although I didn't fail.

Luffles my dirty Bally :DD

I must work harder on my bio.

Yeeaah right.


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